The Biohacking Podcast that takes it to HEART
This podcast explores the HERO’S Journey, the practitioners making a difference and the transformational technology and modalities that allow invite self healing.
What does it mean to you to be Beautifully broken?
Multiple guests have referenced Kintsugi: the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold. Treating the breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.
We are all Beautifully Broken, the cracks are where the light comes in.
In my experience the energy behind the actions can create miraculous healing initiating from both healer and patient. The guests are consistent with those who have walked that path including function medicine doctors, survivors of chronic illness, scientists, spiritual leaders, and innovators of 21 ST century wellness technology.

Meet the Host
“Education Is the path to wisdom, and wisdom is where the answers lie.”
I was drowning in information, and I was starving for wisdom. Cancer, Lyme, Mold, and Abdominal adhesions left me with lots of questions. My experience has been one of incredible pain and suffering for more than a decade and a half. Today I find myself on the other side of Chronic Illness. I’ve found grace and peace with the process of allowing, as I’ve navigated this path of non-linear healing.
Podcasts were one of my greatest portals for knowledge, and through my experience I choose to share in the same way.

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